GROGNON Cultural Center, Namur (Belgium)
︎︎︎ Location : Namur, Belgium
︎︎︎ Size : 8.000 m2
︎︎︎ Program : Exhibition, Café & Public Square
︎︎︎ Status : Completed 2021
︎︎︎ As Part of 3XN Architects, Copenhagen
︎︎︎ Winner of “Rebuilding the city” cathegory at Grand prix d’architecture de Wallonie awards.
As part of 3XN for 5 years, I have been involved in many competitions. Grognon, an exhibition space in Namur was my first competition at the office. Today the project as been completed and I have been part of the entire process. It is one of the most exhiting project I have been involved in at the office. It is rare to follow a project from the competition phase to the delivery.
This contemporary cultural building focuses on the history and innovation of digital technologies, encompassing a range of activities and experiences where modern technologies will be made available to citizens, bringing contemporary culture and historical narrative together.
Concept Axonometry :
Picture of the project taken by Philippe Piraux (2021) :